53 PAVE LOW "Lasts"

Below is a list of 53 last events prior to the retirement of the MH-53M PAVE LOW. Most, but not all, occurred in combat.

39/26/08Hot GasALL
49/24/08Ground Run1
58/20/08Inadvertent Flare Dispense of Alpha2
69/26/08Blade Pressure Light4
78/18/08Time Sensitive Log Run4/1
89/8/08RAPTOR OP6/5/1
98/18/08High Altitude Mission3/1
109/19/08Successful HAR6/5
118/18/08Backend Rebellion4/1
127/23/08AFCAM Event2/1
138/8/08J-LENS Event4
149/26/08Naked Gunner in FLIRGarcia
159/9/08Post-BMNT Return2
169/27/08Spray painted w/ a HornetPryor
199/26/08Flight Lead2
209/26/08Chalk Last1
229/17/08Hot Gas w/ Hot POL Chicks x 21
238/5/08ROZ Fly through3
249/26/08Pilot "Becker'd"Roberts
258/7/08Fuel Low Level Light in flight5
268/31/08Vehicle Movement3
279/18/08Dust-out Go-around5/2
288/7/08Chalk 2 taking lead inside IP on a DA5
2903/??/08Pilot forced to run down Alpha taxiway nakedButz
308/29/08Hover taxi into parking5
318/9/08Unsuccessful HAR5/6
329/18/08Direct Action Mission2/5
339/18/08Radio Traffic w/ Kingpin3
349/26/08PAVE on PAVE Log runAll
359/21/08POC Food pickup5
368/5/08Flight through "Blue Rain"3
389/17/08Joint Formation Flight1
399/26/08Naked Gunner hugGarcia to Howell
408/16/08100% Illumination flight4
419/26/080% Illumination flightALL
429/8/08Flare dispense w/in 10' Of JOC2
439/26/08Chick PAXSonny by 4
448/15/08Wrong LZ landing on a LOG Run (but still hitting zeros)2
4510/??/08Marine Exchange PilotPayne
479/18/08PUCS Jackpot5
489/20/08Comp Wash1
498/20/08THRASHER MRT2/1
519/9/08DA Abortion6/5/1
528/23/08O-6 to have a Hornet Spray painted on their chestHowell
538/22/08BAGEX (msn canx while on flight line)1/6