PAVE LOW Related
Paul Treleven paintings (PAVE LOWs)
Google Book "Delta - America's Elite Counterterrorist Force"
Airport-Data (5785 at Maxwell)
Aviation Art - "The Infiltrator" by Bryan David Snuffer
H-53 Related
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund - Lt Richard Van De Geer
H-53 MARS Pics (USAF Helicopter Pilots Assoc.)
National Archives - Military Service Records
FE Graphics (on Etsy) - Merchandise
Scott Burns (PAVE LOW Gunner) is an Outreach Coordinator and Claims Examiner for the State of Florida DAV. With the passing of the PACT Act, he sent me some documents to share with everyone
(Click to download):
- BWN benefits expansion
- New Gulf War presumptives
- K2 presumptive service connection
- Sec. by Sec. Summary - RCP Honoring our PACT Act
- New AO presumptives
- PACT Act Breakdown