Geoff Moore
PAVE LOW Flight Engineer
Geoffrey W. Moore, 57, a resident of Fort Walton Beach, FL., died peacefully at home after a long illness on Aug. 22, 2008.
He was a retired MSgt of the U.S. Air Force. He was with the Helicopter Rescue and Recovery Unit and had numerous commendations and medals during his service.
Geoff is survived by Grace Moore, wife; Jason Moore, son, of Woodhaven, N.Y.; Gavin Sr. and Kathleen Moore, son and daughter-in-law of Hicksville, N.Y.; three grandchildren, Lexi, Gavin Jr. and Shannon; Marcus and Ruth Moore, parents, of Allentown, Pa.; John Moore, brother, of Clearwater, Fla.; Prudence Giel, sister, of Milford, N.J.; and Priscilla Jacobson, sister, of Washington, N.J.